Spiders are some of nature’s most fascinating and mysterious creatures. With their incredible web-spinning skills, unique hunting techniques, and striking appearances, they have captivated human curiosity for centuries. But how well do you really know these eight-legged wonders?
In this collection of spider riddles, you’ll test your knowledge and uncover the secrets of these incredible creatures. Can you unravel the clues and name each spider? Let’s find out!
I have a golden sheen and build my web round, my silk is strong, the strongest around.
Answer: Golden Orb Weaver
In the desert, I burrow deep, at night I hunt while others sleep.
Answer: Trapdoor Spider
With my legs so long and lean, I weave a web that’s barely seen.
Answer: Cellar Spider (Daddy Long Legs)
I’m fuzzy and small but don’t be misled, I leap through the air with colors of red.
Answer: Jumping Spider
I have no need for a web so tight, instead, I chase my prey by sight.
Answer: Wolf Spider
I hide in flowers, dressed in disguise, waiting for bees with my clever surprise.
Answer: Crab Spider
My name is false, it tells a lie, I’m not really deadly but make people cry.
Answer: False Widow Spider
A venomous bite is my claim to fame, my red hourglass gives me my name.
Answer: Black Widow Spider
I scuttle fast and dig my lair, my legs are hairy, so beware!
Answer: Tarantula
A violin shape upon my back, one tiny bite, a deadly attack.
Answer: Brown Recluse Spider
By rivers and lakes, I like to crawl, I walk on water, but never fall.
Answer: Fishing Spider
I don’t spin a web, but I make a net, to catch my prey, I’m the best hunter yet.
Answer: Ogre-Faced Spider (Net-Casting Spider)
I carry my babies on my back, always prepared for an attack.
Answer: Wolf Spider
I’m big and fluffy, but don’t be misled, my bite can hurt and make you dread.
Answer: Goliath Birdeater
I mimic ants with all my might, fooling prey both left and right.
Answer: Ant-Mimic Spider
My legs are striped, like candy cane, in the jungle, I stake my claim.
Answer: Pink Toe Tarantula
I weave my web in a perfect shape, a spiral round you can’t escape.
Answer: Garden Orb-Weaver Spider
I’m small and bright, with markings bold, my back is shaped like spikes of gold.
Answer: Spiny Orb-Weaver
I wear a helmet upon my back, my fangs strike hard in an ambush attack.
Answer: Helmeted Spider
I hide in corners, still as stone, my bite can rot both flesh and bone.
Answer: Brown Recluse Spider
Hiding under leaves or bark so tight, I blend in well, staying out of sight.
Answer: Huntsman Spider
I wave my arms to hypnotize, then pounce upon you with my eyes.
Answer: Peacock Spider
I’m blue and black, and quick as light, my venom is strong, so don’t take a bite.
Answer: Cobalt Blue Tarantula
With legs so flat and long and wide, I scurry fast and love to hide.
Answer: Huntsman Spider
My bite is painful, that’s no lie, I scuttle fast and don’t say hi.
Answer: Mouse Spider
I dig a trap and wait all day, then snatch my prey without delay.
Answer: Funnel-Web Spider
I wear red and blue and love to dance, my colors flash in a hypnotic trance.
Answer: Peacock Spider
I live in trees and love the night, my eight big eyes give me sight.
Answer: Tree-Dwelling Tarantula
My silk makes tubes, not a web so wide, I hide inside and watch from the side.
Answer: Tube Web Spider