Frogs are fascinating creatures, known for their croaky calls, incredible jumps, and vibrant colors. Found in rainforests, ponds, and even deserts, these amphibians come in all shapes and sizes—some are tiny and bright, warning predators of their toxins, while others are masters of camouflage, blending into their surroundings.
In this collection of frog riddles, you’ll hop into the world of different frog breeds, testing your knowledge and having fun along the way! Can you leap to the right answers, or will these puzzles leave you hopping for clues? Let’s find out!
I wear bright colors to warn with pride, in poison dart games, I can’t hide.
I’m named after a bull, but I don’t moo. My deep-throated croak might startle you!
I’m tiny but loud, with a chirping delight. My tree-hopping skills are out of sight!
Golden as the sun, I’m rare to see. My skin shines bright, like jewelry on me!
I dwell up high in the jungle trees, my red eyes shine as I leap with ease.
I burrow below when it’s dry and hot, my name sounds spiny, but spikes I’ve not.
I have a mustache and a tiny disguise, hopping around with my small, clever size.
I might remind you of a glassy show, for through my skin, my insides glow!
My chubby body is round and wide, I bloat with air when danger’s inside.
I’m painted like a tiger, but no fur I wear. My stripes are warnings for those unaware!
Though tiny, I croak like a bird in the rain, my blue-jean legs are what give me my name.
I’m big and loud in the swamp at night, my bark-like call gives others a fright!
I bear a name like a prince of old, yet I’m no royal, if truth be told.
My nose is pointy, my jumps are high, my bumpy skin blends where I lie.
I’m as round as a balloon, my squeaky sound is quite a tune!
I can glide through the air, not just leap. My webbed feet spread, my jumps are steep!
I look like moss on a tree so tall, I blend so well, you may not see me at all!
With a name like a tomato, I puff up in fright. My red-orange color is quite a sight!
My song sounds like a wooden call, you’ll find me croaking in spring or fall.
Named after a monkey, I swing and hop. My long legs help me reach the top!
I have the look of a horned beast, my camo skin makes predators cease.
My name suggests I’m common, yet I am so grand. My long jumps take me far from land.
A country’s name I carry well, my green skin hides where rainforests dwell.
I’m quite large and known to be mean, with fangs in my mouth, I’m rarely seen.
In Madagascar, I make my home, my narrow mouth helps insects roam.
I have no tadpole stage, I hatch full-grown, deep in the earth where I am known.
My body is tiny, my call is so loud, my yellow hue makes me stand proud!
With my blue skin and black-spotted art, my toxic touch is nature’s smart.
I make my home in a leaf-filled pit, my pointed snout helps me sit.
From Africa I come, I’m clawed, not just webbed. In the water, I’m best, it must be said!
That’s the end of our Frog Riddles! Want to hop into more fun riddles on different topics? Click the button below!